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Accession IconGSE152986

Expression data from RAW264.7 murine cell line

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 12 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Gene 2.0 ST Array (mogene20st)

Submitter Supplied Information

Appropriate bone mass is maintained by the actions of the main cells in the bone, osteoclasts and osteoblasts. The Stat3 transcription factor is known to have an effect on maintaining bone mass, but it is not known whether its key actions are in osteoblasts, osteoclasts, or both. Preliminary data indicated that Stat3 plays a role in osteoclast differentiation, but the mechanisms of this role are not yet understood.
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Show of 12 Total Samples
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Cell line
Processing Information
Additional Metadata
DMSO control, scramble siRNA; biological rep 1
raw 264.7
DMSO control, scramble siRNA; biological rep 2
raw 264.7
DMSO control, scramble siRNA; biological rep 3
raw 264.7
DMSO control, Stat3 siRNA; biological rep 2
raw 264.7
RANKL stimulation, scramble siRNA; biological rep 2
raw 264.7
RANKL stimulation, Stat3 siRNA; biological rep 3
raw 264.7
DMSO control, Stat3 siRNA; biological rep 1
raw 264.7
DMSO control, Stat3 siRNA; biological rep 3
raw 264.7
RANKL stimulation, scramble siRNA; biological rep 1
raw 264.7
RANKL stimulation, scramble siRNA; biological rep 3
raw 264.7