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Accession IconGSE5394

Gene Expression after Cochlear Removal in Cochlear Nucleus at P7 and P21

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 44 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Expression 430A Array (moe430a)

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Deprivation of peripheral nerve input by cochlear removal in young mice results in dramatic neuron death in the cochlear nucleus (CN). The same manipulation in older mice does not result in significant loss. The molecular basis of this critical period of vulnerability remains largely unknown. Here we identified genes regulated at early time points after cochlear removal at ages when neurons are vulnerable (postnatal day (P)7) or invulnerable (P21) to this challenge. Afferent deprivation regulated very different sets of genes at P7 and P21. These genes showed a variety of functions at both ages, but surprisingly there was no net increase in pro-apoptotic genes at P7. A large set of upregulated immune-related genes was identified at P21.
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