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Accession IconSRP125458

Differentially expressed genes in the fly brain under condtions of sugar and complete starvation

Organism Icon Drosophila melanogaster
Sample Icon 24 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2500

Submitter Supplied Information

In order to study the transcriptional response of the fly brain to sugar and complete starvation, we first confirmed that 24 hours of sugar and complete starvation in flies is sufficient to elicit a homeostatic response. Subsequently, we used holidic medium to study effects of deficiency of a specfic macronutrient- cabohydrate in the food. To do so , we generated RNA- seq libraries from brains of 5 day old mated adult male flies maintained on different feeding regimes and used the sequencing data to identify diffrentially expressed genes in the brain under different feeding regimes. Overall design: For each condition, we used RNA prepared from 120-130 manually dissected adult fly brains maintained under complete starvation or sugar starvation regime for 24 hours.
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