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Accession IconSRP133503

Chromatin Associated RNA-Seq of CD8+ T cells expressing different levels of Runx3 in a cell culture model of CTL differentiation [Chr Assoc]

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 6 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconNextSeq 500

Submitter Supplied Information

T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation of naïve CD8+ T cells initiates reprogramming of cis-regulatory landscapes that specify effector and memory cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) differentiation. We mapped regions of hyper-accessible chromatin in naïve cells during TCR stimulation and discovered that the transcription factor (TF) Runx3 controls de novo access to memory CTL-specific cistromes prior to the first cell division, and is essential for memory CTL differentiation. Runx3 specifically promotes accessibility of cis-acting regions highly enriched with IRF, bZIP and Prdm1-like family TF motifs, upregulates IRF4 and establishes feed-forward transcriptional circuits that induce fundamental CTL attributes in memory precursor cells. Runx3 drives uncoupling from the naïve cell state, but subsequently restrains terminal differentiation of nascent CTL by preventing high expression of the TF T-bet and slowing effector cell proliferation. Enforced Runx3 expression enhances memory CTL differentiation and increases their numbers during iterative infections. Thus, Runx3 functions in a pioneering role to initialize and then ensure memory CTL differentiate. Overall design: 6 samples, 2 replicates each, 2 wildtype controls
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