Human transcripts can typically be processed at multiple polyadenylation sites to yield mRNA isoforms with distinct 3 ends. A multitude of factors contributes to the choice of individual polyadenylation sites in different cell types and tissues. In this study we have found that the heterogenous ribonucleoprotein C (hnRNP C), an RNA binding protein that was previously linked to splicing and polyadenylation at Alu repeat elements, is a general regulator of pre-mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation. By sequencing mRNA 3 ends from cells expressing normal and reduced levels of hnRNP C we found that transcripts that contain poly(U) tracts around their poly(A) sites respond in a manner indicative of hnRNP C repressing cleavage and polyadenylation. The 3 UTR isoforms whose abundance is modulated by hnRNP C contain U-rich elements and can thereby interact with A/U-rich element binding proteins that have been shown to alter transcript stability, sub-cellular localization and even the localization of the translated proteins.
A comprehensive analysis of 3' end sequencing data sets reveals novel polyadenylation signals and the repressive role of heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein C on cleavage and polyadenylation.
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View SamplesAnalysis of epithelial explants injected with the intracellular domain of Notch (ICD) to block the formation of multi-ciliate cells, either alone or along with FoxJ1. FoxJ1 misexpression leads to the induction fo ectopic cilia in Xenopus laevis epithelia. Results show which genes are affected by FoxJ1 during the induction of ectopic cilia.
The forkhead protein Foxj1 specifies node-like cilia in Xenopus and zebrafish embryos.
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View SamplesConditional expression of dominant-negative HIF1a in zebrafish cardiomyocytes severely inhibits heart regeneration. To understand more about the mechanism, we performed microarray analysis of wildtype regenerating zebrafish and dnHIF1a regenerating zebrafish to determine which genes are regulated by hypoxia/HIF1a.
Hypoxia induces myocardial regeneration in zebrafish.
Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesThe BM-derived CD45+/Sca1+ cells are haematopoietic stem/progenitor cells that have the ability to circulate and migrate and engraft to the muscle tissue, and therefore they are of particular interest. Notably, these cells retain their haematopoietic potential, as revealed both by in vitro and in vivo assays; but they also acquire myogenic potential, as shown by their ability to participate in muscle regeneration. Whether, this latter remarkable ability is the result of the reprogramming of the BM-CD45+/Sca1+ cells and the activation of a myogenic molecular program within these cells, remains controversial. This study aims to clarify this aspect of the process, investigating the role of the muscle microenviroment and key myogenic transcription factors.
Bone marrow-derived hematopoietic cells undergo myogenic differentiation following a Pax-7 independent pathway.
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View SamplesIschemic cardiopathy is the leading cause of death in the world, for which efficient regenerative therapy is not currently available. In mammals, after a myocardial infarction episode, the damaged myocardium is replaced by scar tissue featuring collagen deposition and tissue remodelling with negligible cardiomyocyte proliferation. Zebrafish, in contrast, display an extensive regenerative capacity as they are able to restore completely lost cardiac tissue after partial ventricular amputation. Due to the lack of genetic lineage tracing evidence, it is not yet clear if new cardiomyocytes arise from existing contractile cells or from an uncharacterised set of progenitors cells. Nonetheless, several genes and molecules have been shown to participate in this process, some of them being cardiomyocyte mitogens in vitro. Though questions as what are the early signals that drive the regenerative response and what is the relative role of each cardiac cell in this process still need to be answered, the zebrafish is emerging as a very valuable tool to understand heart regeneration and devise strategies that may be of potential value to treat human cardiac disease. Here, we performed a genome-wide transcriptome profile analysis focusing on the early time points of zebrafish heart regeneration and compared our results with those of previously published data. Our analyses confirmed the differential expression of several transcripts, and identified additional genes the expression of which is differentially regulated during zebrafish heart regeneration. We validated the microarray data by conventional and/or quantitative RT-PCR. For a subset of these genes, their expression pattern was analyzed by in situ hybridization and shown to be upregulated in the regenerating area of the heart. The specific role of these new transcripts during zebrafish heart regeneration was further investigated ex vivo using primary cultures of zebrafish cardiomyocytes and/or epicardial cells. Our results offer new insights into the biology of heart regeneration in the zebrafish and, together with future experiments in mammals, may be of potential interest for clinical applications.
Transcriptomics approach to investigate zebrafish heart regeneration.
Specimen part, Time
View SamplesThis SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
Identification of post-transcriptional regulatory networks during myeloblast-to-monocyte differentiation transition.
Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesThe events regulating human preimplantation development are still largely unknown, due to scarcity of material, ethical and legal limitations, and lack of reliable techniques to faithfully amplify the transcriptome of a single cell. Nonetheless, knowledge in human embryology is gathering renewed interest due to its close relationship with both stem cell biology and epigenetic reprogramming to pluripotency, and their centrality to regenerative medicine. Using carefully timed genome-wide transcript analyses on single oocytes and embryos, the analysis of the data allowed us to uncover a series of successive waves of embryonic transcriptional initiation which start as early as the 2 cell stage. In addition, we identified hierarchical activation of genes involved in the regulation of pluripotency. Finally, we developed HumER, a free database of human preimplantation human development gene expression to serve the scientific community. Importantly, our work links early transcription in the human embryo with the correct execution of the pluripotency program later in development, and paves the way for the identification of factors to improve epigenetic reprogramming.
Waves of early transcriptional activation and pluripotency program initiation during human preimplantation development.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesTreatment of leukemia cells with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 may overcome their differentiation block and lead to the transition from myeloblasts to monocytes. To identify microRNA-mRNA networks relevant for myeloid differentiation, we profiled the expression of mRNAs and microRNAs associated to the low- and high-density ribosomal fractions in leukemic cells and in their differentiated monocytic counterpart. Intersection between mRNAs shifted across the fractions after treatment with putative target genes of modulated microRNAs showed a series of molecular networks relevant for the monocyte cell fate determination
Identification of post-transcriptional regulatory networks during myeloblast-to-monocyte differentiation transition.
Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesWe collected tissues from bent cotyledon stage zygotic embryos, proliferating tissue at day 7 and day 14 induction of somatic embryogenesis and mature somatic emrbyos in a wild type (Col-0) and vtc2 (SALK_146824) insertion.
Vitamin C deficiency improves somatic embryo development through distinct gene regulatory networks in Arabidopsis.
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View SamplesQuorum sensing controls the expression of multiple virulence factors. PA14 genes lasR and rhlR are necessary for quorum sensing via homoserine lactones.
Quorum sensing enhancement of the stress response promotes resistance to quorum quenching and prevents social cheating.
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