Genes regulated by the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling pathway were indentified in the early development of the amphibian Xenopus laevis by comparing gene expression in control embryos and embryos in which FGF signalling was inhibited by two different dominant negative FGF receptors.
Characterisation of the fibroblast growth factor dependent transcriptome in early development.
Age, Compound, Time
View SamplesIntroduction: Sepsis is a complex immunological response to infection characterized by early hyperinflammation followed by severe and protracted immunosuppression, suggesting that a multi-marker approach has the greatest clinical utility for early detection, within a clinical environment focused on SIRS differentiation. Pre-clinical research using an equine sepsis model identified a panel of gene expression biomarkers that define the early aberrant immune activation. Thus, the primary objective was to apply these gene expression biomarkers to distinguish patients with sepsis from those who had undergone major open surgery and had clinical outcomes consistent with systemic inflammation due to physical trauma and wound healing.
Development and validation of a novel molecular biomarker diagnostic test for the early detection of sepsis.
Specimen part
View SamplesThe study was designed to identify differential expressed genes between human oral cavity carcinoma cell lines with and without LDBI knockout Overall design: Three parental human oral cavity carcinoma cell lines were used as control, LDB1 was knocked out in the three parent cell lines to create KO cell lines.
LIM-Only Protein 4 (LMO4) and LIM Domain Binding Protein 1 (LDB1) Promote Growth and Metastasis of Human Head and Neck Cancer (LMO4 and LDB1 in Head and Neck Cancer).
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View SamplesHuman skin-derived precursor cells (hSKP) are a post natal stem cell population isolated from the dermis. These cells acquire hepatic characteristics upon differentiation with hepatogenic factors. Differentiated hSKP show characteristics of hepatocyte precursor cells and respond to hepatotoxic compounds in a comparable way as human hepatocyte cultures.
In vitro assessment of drug-induced liver steatosis based on human dermal stem cell-derived hepatic cells.
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View SamplesWe examined the role of PELP1 in E2-ER-mediated transcription in the hippocampus under conditions of GCI by perfroming global transcriptome analysis. E2-treated FLOX and PELP1 FBKO mice were subjected to GCI followed by 24 h reperfusion and the isolated RNA was utilized for RNA-seq analysis. Our results demonstrated that PELP1 is needed for optimal activation of E2-regulated genes following GCI. Overall design: Total RNA was isolated from the hippocampus of ovariectomized FLOX and PELP1 FBKO mice (implanted with E2 mini pumps) that were subjected to GCI followed by 24 h reperfusion. Illumina TruSeq RNA Sample Preparation was performed following manufacturer''s protocol. Samples were run on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 in duplicate. The combined raw reads were aligned to UCSC hg19 and genes were annotated by Tophat. Genes were annotated and quantified by HTSeq-DESeq pipeline.
Proline-, glutamic acid-, and leucine-rich protein 1 mediates estrogen rapid signaling and neuroprotection in the brain.
Specimen part, Cell line, Subject
View SamplesY-chromosome aneuploidy strains were generated for 2 distinct Y chromosomes (Ycongo and Yohio), and expression profile analyzed by RNA-seq. Overall design: CONTRAST 1: X^X (control) vs X^XYohio; CONTRAST 2: X^X (control) vs X^XYcongo; CONTRAST 3: X^Y (control) vs X^YYohio; CONTRAST 4: X^Y (control) vs X^YYcongo.
The Y Chromosome Modulates Splicing and Sex-Biased Intron Retention Rates in <i>Drosophila</i>.
Sex, Specimen part, Subject
View SamplesHuman skin-derived precursor cells (hSKP) are a stem cell population that represents key candidates for cell based-therapy. Inflammation, however, is often present in situations where cellular replacement therapy is required. These inflammatory conditions, and more specifically the presence of the cytokine interferon (IFN)-, might result in an increase of MHC class II antigens in hSKP-derived grafts and facilitate their rejection.
Human skin-derived precursor cells are poorly immunogenic and modulate the allogeneic immune response.
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View SamplesBackground: Systemic inflammation is a whole body reaction that can have an infection-positive (i.e. sepsis) or infection-negative origin. It is important to distinguish between septic and non-septic presentations early and reliably, because this has significant therapeutic implications for critically ill patients. We hypothesized that a molecular classifier based on a small number of RNAs expressed in peripheral blood could be discovered that would: 1) determine which patients with systemic inflammation had sepsis; 2) be robust across independent patient cohorts; 3) be insensitive to disease severity; and 4) provide diagnostic utility. The overall goal of this study was to identify and validate such a molecular classifier. Methods and Findings: We conducted an observational, non-interventional study of adult patients recruited from tertiary intensive care units (ICU). Biomarker discovery was conducted with an Australian cohort (n = 105) consisting of sepsis patients and post -surgical patients with infection-negative systemic inflammation. Using this cohort, a four-gene classifier consisting of a combination of CEACAM4, LAMP1, PLA2G7 and PLAC8 RNA biomarkers was identified. This classifier, designated SeptiCyte Lab, was externally validated using RT-qPCR and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis in five cohorts (n = 345) from the Netherlands. Cohort 1 (n=59) consisted of unambiguous septic cases and infection-negative systemic inflammation controls; SeptiCyte Lab gave an area under curve (AUC) of 0.96 (95% CI: 0.91-1.00). ROC analysis of a more heterogeneous group of patients (Cohorts 2-5; 249 patients after excluding 37 patients with infection likelihood possible) gave an AUC of 0.89 (95% CI: 0.85-0.93). Disease severity, as measured by Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score or the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) IV score, was not a significant confounding variable. The diagnostic utility o f SeptiCyte Lab was evaluated by comparison to various clinical and laboratory parameters that would be available to a clinician within 24 hours of ICU admission. SeptiCyte Lab was significantly better at differentiating sepsis from infection-negative systemic inflammation than all tested parameters, both singly and in various logistic combinations. SeptiCyte Lab more than halved the diagnostic error rate compared to PCT in all tested cohorts or cohort combinations. Conclusions: SeptiCyte Lab is a rapid molecular assay that may be clinically useful in the management of ICU patients with systemic inflammation.
A Molecular Host Response Assay to Discriminate Between Sepsis and Infection-Negative Systemic Inflammation in Critically Ill Patients: Discovery and Validation in Independent Cohorts.
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A systems analysis identifies a feedforward inflammatory circuit leading to lethal influenza infection.
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View SamplesTranscriptomic comparison of 5 cell types during lethal and non-lethal influenza infection and further use of these signatures in a top-down systems analysis investigating the relative pathogenic contributions of direct viral damage to lung epithelium vs. dysregulated immunity during lethal influenza infection.
A systems analysis identifies a feedforward inflammatory circuit leading to lethal influenza infection.
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