Human lymphoid tissues harbor, in addition to CD56bright and CD56dim natural killer (NK) cells, a third NK cell population: CD69+CXCR6+ lymphoid tissue (lt)NK cells. The function and development of ltNK cells remain poorly understood. In this study we performed RNA sequencing on the CD56bright and CD56dim NK cells (from bone marrow and blood), and the ltNK cells (from bone marrow). In addition, the blood derived CD56dim, and bone marrow derived ltNK cells were further subdivided into a NKG2A+ and NKG2A- fraction. Paired blood and bone marrow samples of 4 healthy donors were included. When comparing the NKG2A fractions, only 3 genes (of 9382 genes included) had a significantly differential expression. Therefore, we pooled the expression data proportionally from the NKG2A+ and NKG2A- fractions in subsequent analyses. In ltNK cells, 1353 genes were differentially expressed compared to circulating NK cells. Several molecules involved in migration were downregulated in ltNK cells: S1PR1, SELPLG and CD62L. By flow cytometry we confirmed that the expression profile of adhesion molecules (CD49e-, CD29low, CD81high, CD62L-, CD11c-) and transcription factors (Eomeshigh, Tbetlow) of ltNK cells differed from their circulating counterparts. LtNK cells were characterized by enhanced expression of inhibitory receptors TIGIT and CD96 and low expression of DNAM1 and cytolytic molecules (GZMB, GZMH, GNLY). Their proliferative capacity was reduced compared to the circulating NK cells. By performing gene set enrichment analysis we identified DUSP6 and EGR2 as potential regulators of the ltNK cell transcriptome. Remarkably, comparison of the ltNK cell transcriptome to the published human spleen-resident memory CD8+ T (Trm) cell transcriptome revealed an overlapping gene signature. Moreover, the phenotypic profile of ltNK cells resembled that of CD8+ Trm cells in bone marrow. Together, we provide a comprehensive molecular framework of the conventional CD56bright and CD56dim NK cells as well as the tissue-resident ltNK cells and provide a core gene signature which might be involved in promoting tissue-residency. Overall design: mRNA sequencing of NK cell populations isolated from blood: CD56bright, NKG2A+ CD56dim and NKG2A- CD56dim, and bone marrow: CD56bright, CD56dim, NKG2A+ ltNK, and NKG2A- ltNK. Each sample has 4 biological replicates.
Human Bone Marrow-Resident Natural Killer Cells Have a Unique Transcriptional Profile and Resemble Resident Memory CD8<sup>+</sup> T Cells.
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View SamplesThe atrioventricular (AV) node is a recurrent source of potentially life-threatening arrhythmias. Nevertheless, limited data are available on its developmental control or molecular phenotype. We used a novel AV node-specific reporter mouse to gain insight into the gene programs determining the formation and phenotype of the AV node. In the transgenic reporter, green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression was driven by 160 kbp of Tbx3 and flanking sequences. GFP was selectively expressed in the AV canal of embryos, and in the AV node of adults, while all other Tbx3+ conduction system components, including the AV bundle, were devoid of GFP expression. Fluorescent AV nodal (Tbx3BAC-Egfp) and complementary working (NppaBAC336-Egfp) myocardial cell populations of E10.5 embryos and E17.5 fetuses were purified using fluorescence-activated cell sorting, and their expression profiles were assessed by microarray analysis. We constructed a comprehensive list of sodium, calcium, and potassium channels specific for the nodal or working myocard. Furthermore, the data revealed that the AV node and the working myocardium phenotypes diverge during development, but that the functional gene classes characteristic for both compartments are maintained. Interestingly, the AV node-specific gene repertoire consisted of multiple neurotrophic factors not yet appreciated to play a role in nodal development. These data present the first genome-wide transcription profiles of the AV node during development, providing valuable information concerning its molecular identity.
Gene expression profiling of the forming atrioventricular node using a novel tbx3-based node-specific transgenic reporter.
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View SamplesAnalysis of transcriptional differences between control and RA-treated cells during cardiac differentiation. The hypothesis tested in these samples is that addition of RA during differentiation towards atrial-like cardiomyocytes while control cells treated with DMSO result in ventricular-like cardiomyocytes. Overall design: NKX2.5 (eGFP/w)-hESCs were differentiated to cardiomyocytes with spin EB protocol, with the addition of RA or DMSO. Cells were sorted at day-31 based on GFP resulting in CTplus, CTminus, RAplus or RAminus goups. RNA was isolated from each of these fractions for sequencing.
KeyGenes, a Tool to Probe Tissue Differentiation Using a Human Fetal Transcriptional Atlas.
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View SamplesHuman NK cells were sorted into CD56dim and CD56bright NK cell subpopulations. In order to define characteristics of both populations gene profiling was performed using Affymetrix arrays U133a and U133B.
Gene and protein characteristics reflect functional diversity of CD56dim and CD56bright NK cells.
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ChIP-on-chip analysis identifies IL-22 as direct target gene of ectopically expressed FOXP3 transcription factor in human T cells.
Cell line
View SamplesThe transcription factor (TF) Forkhead Box P3 (FOXP3) is constitutively expressed in high levels in natural occurring CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (nTreg) and is not only the most accepted marker for that cell population, but is considered lineage determinative. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) of transcription factors in combination with genomic tiling microarray analysis (ChIP-on-Chip) has been shown to be an appropriate tool to identify FOXP3 transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) on a genome-wide scale. In combination with microarray expression analysis the ChIP-on-Chip technique allows to identify direct FOXP3 target genes. This dataset shows expression data of resting and mitogen stimulated (PMA / ionomycin) retrovirally transduced Jurkat T cells either expressing FOXP3(2) (J-FOXP3) or an empty vector control (J-GFP).
ChIP-on-chip analysis identifies IL-22 as direct target gene of ectopically expressed FOXP3 transcription factor in human T cells.
Cell line
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Quorum-sensing antagonistic activities of azithromycin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1: a global approach.
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The oscillating miRNA 959-964 cluster impacts Drosophila feeding time and other circadian outputs.
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View SamplesUsing high throughput sequencing of Drosophila head RNA, a small set of miRNAs that undergo robust circadian oscillations in levels were discovered. We concentrated on a cluster of six miRNAs, mir-959-964, all of which peak at about ZT12 or lights-off. The data indicate that the cluster pri-miRNA is transcribed under bona fide circadian transcriptional control and that all 6 mature miRNAs have short half-lives, a requirement for oscillating. Manipulation of food intake dramatically affects the levels and timing of cluster miRNA transcription with no more than minor effects on the core circadian oscillator. This indicates that the central clock regulates feeding, which in turn regulates proper levels and cycling of the cluster miRNAs. Viable Gal4 knock-in as well as cluster knock-out and over-expression strains were used to localize cluster miRNA expression as well as explore their functions. The adult head fat body is a major site of expression, and feeding behavior, innate immunity, metabolism, and perhaps stress responses are under cluster miRNA regulation. The feeding behavior results indicate that there is a feedback circuit between feeding time and cluster miRNA function as well as a surprising role of post-transcriptional regulation in these behaviors and physiology.
The oscillating miRNA 959-964 cluster impacts Drosophila feeding time and other circadian outputs.
Specimen part
View SamplesUsing high throughput sequencing of Drosophila head RNA, a small set of miRNAs that undergo robust circadian oscillations in levels were discovered. We concentrated on a cluster of six miRNAs, mir-959-964, all of which peak at about ZT12 or lights-off. The data indicate that the cluster pri-miRNA is transcribed under bona fide circadian transcriptional control and that all 6 mature miRNAs have short half-lives, a requirement for oscillating. Manipulation of food intake dramatically affects the levels and timing of cluster miRNA transcription with no more than minor effects on the core circadian oscillator. This indicates that the central clock regulates feeding, which in turn regulates proper levels and cycling of the cluster miRNAs. Viable Gal4 knock-in as well as cluster knock-out and over-expression strains were used to localize cluster miRNA expression as well as explore their functions. The adult head fat body is a major site of expression, and feeding behavior, innate immunity, metabolism, and perhaps stress responses are under cluster miRNA regulation. The feeding behavior results indicate that there is a feedback circuit between feeding time and cluster miRNA function as well as a surprising role of post-transcriptional regulation in these behaviors and physiology. Overall design: Six samples of small RNA libraries (RNA size 19 to 29 nucleotides long) were prepared from Drosophila heads, each collected at one circadian time point during a light-dark cycle (ZT0, ZT4, ZT8, ZT12, ZT16, ZT20).
The oscillating miRNA 959-964 cluster impacts Drosophila feeding time and other circadian outputs.
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