TSLP pathway blockade is a potential strategy for asthma treatment, as TSLP modulates cytokine production by mast cells and regulates the activation of dendritic cells (DCs), which prime the differentiation of nave T cells into inflammatory Th2 cells. To assess the effect of TSLPR blockade on the development of allergic inflammation and bronchoconstriction in Cynomolgus monkeys after Ascaris suum allergen challenge. Antibodies against human TSLPR were generated and confirmed to be cross-reactive to cynomolgus. Animals were dosed weekly with either vehicle (n=8) or TSLPR HuMAb (n=8) for 6 weeks and their responses to A.Suum challenge at baseline, week 2 and week 6 were assessed. Antibody-treated animals showed reduced bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) eosinophil counts (p=0.04), reduced lung resistance (RL) area under the curve (p=0.04), and reduced IL-13 cytokine levels in BAL fluid (p=0.03) in response to challenge at 6 weeks compared to vehicle-treated animals. To understand the molecular changes underlying these differences, BAL fluid samples pre- and post-challenge were profiled using microarrays. Genes up-regulated by allergen challenge overlapped strongly with 11 genes up-regulated in DCs when stimulated by TSLP (TSLP-DC signature). The number of genes differentially expressed in response to challenge was reduced in aTSLPR-treated animals after 6 weeks relative to vehicle-treated animals. Expression of the TSLP-DC gene signature was also significantly reduced in aTSLPR-treated animals (p = 0.05). These results demonstrate promising efficacy for TSLPR blockade in an allergen challenge model where TSLP activation of DCs may play a key role.
Thymic stromal lymphopoietin receptor blockade reduces allergic inflammation in a cynomolgus monkey model of asthma.
Disease, Subject, Time
View SamplesTranscriptome dynamics of nucellus in early maize seed
High Temporal-Resolution Transcriptome Landscape of Early Maize Seed Development.
Age, Specimen part
View SamplesmRNA expression data were collected from patients with brain tumor to improve diagnostic of gliomas on molecular level.
Neuronal and glioma-derived stem cell factor induces angiogenesis within the brain.
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View SamplesComparison between wild-type and cardiomyocyte-restricted knock-out of IL6 cytokines receptor component gp130 after surgical intervention for pressure-overload induced cardiomyopathy.
Nkx2-5 pathways and congenital heart disease; loss of ventricular myocyte lineage specification leads to progressive cardiomyopathy and complete heart block.
Sex, Specimen part, Subject
View SamplesHematopoietic cells arise from spatiotemporally restricted domains in the developing embryo. Although studies of non-mammalian animal and in vitro embryonic stem cell models suggest a close relationship among cardiac, endocardial, and hematopoietic lineages, it remains unknown whether the mammalian heart tube serves as a hemogenic organ akin to the dorsal aorta. Here, we examined the hemogenic activity of the developing endocardium. Mouse heart explants generated myeloid and erythroid colonies in the absence of circulation. Hemogenic activity arose from a subset of endocardial cells in the outflow cushion and atria earlier than in the aorta-gonad-mesonephros region, and was transient and definitive in nature. Interestingly, key cardiac transcription factors, Nkx2-5 and Isl1, were expressed in and required for the hemogenic activity of the endocardium. Together, these data suggest that a subset of endocardial and yolk sac endothelial cells expressing cardiac markers serve as a de novo source for transient definitive hematopoietic progenitors.
Haemogenic endocardium contributes to transient definitive haematopoiesis.
Specimen part
View SamplesUsing RNA-Seq, we reported novel findings in the comparison of transcriptome profiles of isogenic HMDM and IPSDM during differentiation and polarization. First, IPSDM lost expression of pluripotency markers, had remarkably distinct gene expression profiles relative to precursor iPSCs, and had largely similar gene expression as HMDM. Second, macrophage polarization to M1 was associated with a dramatic change in the transcriptome; expression profiles of IPSDM- and HMDM-derived M1 lines were highly correlated with each other but much less so with their respective IPSDM and HMDM precursors. Third, M2-HMDM lines had limited difference in gene expression compared to their non-polarized precursors, likely due to the known M2-like phenotype of M-CSF differentiated macrophages and their similarity to the IL-4 derived M2 phenotype Finally, through RNA-Seq we identified many new genes modulated during polarization in both HMDM and IPSDM thus providing novel, and potentially regulatory, candidates that warrant further study. Overall design: iPS, IPSDM (including M1/M2) and HMDM (including M1/M2)cells were sequenced by Illumina HiSeq 2000 with poly-A selection
Functional analysis and transcriptomic profiling of iPSC-derived macrophages and their application in modeling Mendelian disease.
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View SamplesThe Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR)/ligand system is centrally involved in multiple homeostatic functions of the epithelia. Epithelial cells are the primary targets of humanized antibodies and small molecule inhibitors against this system, whereby the constellation of skin-specific side effects of these drugs stems from a profound disturbance of keratinocyte biology. So far, the molecular mechanisms underlying these toxic events have been investigated only broadly. Here we show that keratinocyte response to anti-EGFR drugs comprises the development of a type 1 interferon (IFN) molecular signature including enhanced expression of IFN-kappa. Mechanistically, nuclear accumulation of IRF1 precedes this signature as well as the enhanced expression of a chemokine cluster we previously identified as a relevant pro-inflammatory component of EGFR inhibition. In fact, either silencing of IRF1 transcript expression, or antibody-mediated blockade of type 1 IFN receptor function and consequent abrogation of STAT1 activation, leads to impairment of this gene transcription profile. High levels of IRF1 and IFN-kappa can be clearly observed in the early skin lesions of patients treated with cetuximab. Type 1 IFN signaling could be crucially implicated in the triggering of the inflammatory mechanisms active in the skin of patients under treatment with anti-EGFR drugs.
Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors trigger a type I interferon response in human skin.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesThe relationships between cancer cells and the microenvironment play a critical role in cancer growth and development. The bone stroma consists of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and mature osteoblasts that promote cancer growth. Yet it is not completely understood what are the molecular processes guiding cancer cells progression to the bone. In this study, a co-culture assay and subsequent gene profiling arrays were used to compare the gene expression profile of a pre-osteoblastic cell line (MBA-15) with that of a mammary adenocarcinoma (DA3) cells. Following co-culture, cells were separated by magnetic beads based on the expression of CD326 antigen. RNA was purified and hybridized on gene expression array. The gene expression pattern changes were followed by qRT-PCR. We demonstrate that co-cultured DA3 cells express elevated levels of genes that regulate growth and responses to both hormonal stimulus and wounding, as well as reduced expression of genes related to lipid metabolism. Also, co-cultured pre-osteoblastic cells showed reduced expression of cell-junction genes. The study presents a simplified model system, composed of pre-osteoblastic and mammary cancer cells, that potentially mimics the molecular interactions in the tumor microenvironment which contribute to tumor-progression.
Molecular profiling of functional interactions between pre-osteoblastic and breast carcinoma cells.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesTGFBR1*6A is a common hypomorphic variant of the type 1 Transforming Growth Factor Beta Receptor (TGFBR1), which has been associated with increased cancer risk in some studies. Although TGFBR1*6A is capable of switching TGF- growth inhibitory signals into growth stimulatory signals when stably transfected into MCF-7 breast cancer cells, TGFBR1*6A biological effects are largely unknown. To broadly explore TGFBR1*6A potential oncogenic properties, we assessed its impact on the migration and invasion of MCF-7 cells. We found that TGFBR1*6A significantly enhances MCF-7 cell migration and invasion in a TGF- signaling independent manner. We set up and performed a gene array using the conditions mimicking the cell migration experiments to determine which genes in the migratory pathway were differentially regulated between the MCF-7*6A cells and the MCF-7*9A (wild type transfected) cells. The gene array identified two downregulated genes in *6A compared to *9A that are involved in cell migration and invasion: ARHGAP5, encoding ARHGAP5, and FN1, encoding fibronectin-1 (FN1). We were subsequently able to use this information in further studies in the lab.
TGFBR1*6A enhances the migration and invasion of MCF-7 breast cancer cells through RhoA activation.
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View SamplesLipid metabolic disarray in young and adult mice offspring's liver is induced by saturated fatty acids (SFA) but prevented by alpha linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3 3) in the maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation. The aim of the present study was to analyse the impact of maternal dietary ALA on the liver gene expression in the new-born offspring in comparison to a SFA diet. Methods: C57Bl6/J dams were fed with diets normal in calories but rich in ALA or SFA before mating and during pregnancy. Pups were sacrificed at birth and liver parameters were assessed. Gene expression was characterized by microarray analysis and validated by real time qPCR. Results: ALA compared to SFA in maternal diets during pregnancy, increased polyunsaturated fatty acids while differentially modified fatty acid desaturase activities in offspring liver. Overall, 474 and 662 genes from born pups liver, were differentially regulated by ALA and SFA compared to control diet (p<0.05; Fold change 2), respectively. Notably, Per3 was up-regulated by ALA whereas down-regulated by SFA, compared to control diet. Conclusions: ALA and SFA enriched diets differentially affect gene expression pattern in the offsprings liver. ALA in particular, upregulates genes associated to low adiposity.
Maternal Diet Enriched with α-Linolenic or Saturated Fatty Acids Differentially Regulates Gene Expression in the Liver of Mouse Offspring.
Specimen part, Disease, Treatment
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